You’re under a lot of stress and not coping well.
You don’t talk about your stress when you’re in the office, it might jeopardise your career.
Achieving balance for all the things you juggle in your life is difficult.
You’re well paid, you take great holidays, you have the partner and 2.5 kids [I’ve never known what the .5 is supposed to mean] and your house ticks all your boxes. BUT, deep down you’re not happy and you can’t put your finger on why.
You could easily turn down a pay-rise and the next step up the ladder, because you don’t want more responsibility and/or you don’t know how you could fit anything else into your day.
You’ve got to the top. You start asking yourself the big questions: “What am I doing here”; “What’s my purpose”; “There must be more to life than this”.
The purpose of coaching is to help you move beyond where you are right now. Let’s face it, if you knew what to do you’d have done it. So coaching is very results driven which means change and not everyone is comfortable with change.
If you’re ready to make changes including uncomfortable ones, if you’re up for challenging your thoughts and beliefs and if you know what you want to change then coaching might be for you.
Ask yourself this question: on a scale of 1 – 10, how much do I want to change my life?
If your answer is less than 8 then this is not the right time for you.
If your answer is not only yes, but ‘hell yes’, call me. The next step is to find out if it’s right for us to work together. 020 8542 7907